Developer Marketing: The Rise of The Community Evangelist

the-new-kingmakers-eclipsecon-130326092252-phpapp01-thumbnail-4“Developers are kingmakers.” 

I first heard this tagline in 2013 at the SenchaCon conference in Orlando where I was to present a session on some interesting mobile enterprise analytics stuff that I and my team had been doing with Sencha Touch. To say that statement struck a chord would be an understatement.

And to rollback the years, it’s hard to believe that a couple of decades back, the term ‘developer marketing’ virtually did not exist. Developers were considered a bunch of nasty geeks and there’s no way you could sell to them. If they like it, they’ll use it. If they don’t, they won’t – as simple as that.

How times have changed over the years is remarkable – developer marketing is now a maintstream play for any platform. While it’s no surprise that companies – big and small now deeply invest into developer evangelism teams to drive adoption, a lesser known aspect is the role community evangelists play in driving this ecosystem. Continue reading